Chapter 6 Website creation and hosting

Now that you’ve learned HTML and CSS, it’s time to start building your own website! First, you’ll download a template of your own choosing. Once you have your website files, you’ll host them on GitHub so that anyone with an internet connection can see your page.

6.1 Download a website template

  1. Visit HTM5up and choose a template. I would recommend one of the following:
    • Story
    • Forty
    • Stellar
    • Hyperspace
    • Solid State
    • Strata
    • Read Only
    • Telephasic
  2. Unzip the download package. You should see a folder. Put this folder wherever you wish, but don’t forget where you put it.
  3. Inside the folder you just downloaded, you should see subfolders called, e.g., “assets” and “images,” as well as an index.html file. Open that index.html file in Atom.
  4. Play around with the HTML! Add your name to the page, maybe a description of yourself and your project. As you save your changes, look for them using Preview HTML in Atom OR by opening the index.html file in Chrome. (If you open the file in Chrome, you’ll need to refresh the Chrome tab whenever you save changes in Atom.)

6.2 Host your website using GitHub pages

Now that you have your website files, we’ll add them on GitHub. At the end of this process, your website will officially be on the web.

Apologies in advance: This setup process is confusing. In fact, GitHub in general is confusing until you get used to it. Please read carefully and ask for help if you encounter problems.

6.2.1 What is GitHub?

GitHub is sort of like Google Drive, but for software development. Your projects will live on GitHub’s servers (the “cloud”) but also on your own computer. An application called GitHub Desktop will work as a sort of go-between, ensuring that the files on your computer remain synced with the files on GitHub.

GitHub Desktop sends changes from your somputer to GitHub’s servers. Icons by

GitHub Desktop sends changes from your somputer to GitHub’s servers. Icons by

Finally, a service called GitHub Pages will allow you to keep your website on GitHub’s servers for the low, low price of free.

One really nice feature of GitHub is its version control, which means that if you really mess up your website, you can revert to an earlier version. GitHub automatically saves every single version that you commit. This feature is very useful, but it also explains why GitHub takes some getting used to. You have to follow a somewhat complicated process to push your changes to GitHub, but in return you get the security of knowing that every version of your project will be archived forever.

6.2.2 Create a GitHub account

  1. Visit and sign up for an account using your email. Do NOT use a non-vt email. Choose a username that’s close enough to your real name to be recognizable to me.

6.2.3 Download and set up GitHub Desktop

Note that GitHub recently released a new version of this software, so I haven’t tested these instructions except on my own machine.

  1. Visit and download the appropriate version (Mac/Win) for your machine. Be sure to put the application wherever you keep the other applications on your computer.
  2. Open GitHub Desktop and enter your GitHub username and password.

6.2.4 Create a repository for your website and add your website files

This is the confusing part, so read carefully.

  1. In GitHub Desktop, Choose File > New Repository
  2. Name your repository (e.g.,
    It’s VERY important to use the format. If you don’t, subsequent steps may not work.
  3. If the previous step worked, then GitHub will create a folder called somewhere on your computer (on my Mac, it was in the Documents folder). Locate that folder. You can always find your folder via GitHub Desktop by selecting Repository => Show in Finder/Explorer. You can also open files in Atom by selecting Repository => Open in Atom.
  4. Now–and pay careful attention here–move your website files but NOT the containing folder into the folder. The folder structure should look like this:  
     container folder  
  5. Now return to GitHub Desktop. Verify that the Current Repository is set to You should see a bunch of text in the main window of the interface. This text represents changes to the repository (i.e., the files you just added). See the box labeled 5 below.
    GitHub Desktop interface
  6. Commit the changes by typing a summary and description of the changes (description is optional but recommended) near the bottom of the interface, then clicking the Commit to master button (box 6 above). Commit to master means that you want to make these changes to the main version of your project on GitHub.
  7. After you commit, look near the top of the interface for a tab that says either Publish or Push origin (box 7 above). Click that tab. Once the changes are done syncing (may take a minute or so), visit to see your site on the honest-to-goodness internet. You now have a real website!

Now, whenever you make changes to your project in Atom (adding images, modifying HTML or CSS), the changes will appear in GitHub Desktop. Green highlighting represents added material; red highlighting represents deleted material. Whenever you want to push the changes to GitHub, follow steps 6 and 7 above.

6.2.5 Finding and modifying your files

So you now have

  • Your website files on your computer
  • Your website files on
  • GitHub desktop in between

It’s a lot to keep up with! However, one advantage of using Atom is that it’s built by GitHub, so Atom and GitHub tend to interface well. Here’s how you can access everything you need from GitHub Desktop:

In the GitHub Destop menu bar, select Repository. You can now access your files on, in Atom, or in your system’s file browser (Finder for Mac, Explorer (I think???) for Windows).
I had to restart my Mac before Open in Atom would work, so try that if you have trouble.
Once you’ve set up your repository in GitHub Desktop, I would advise against moving your website files to another location on your computer. Just leave them where they are and use GitHub Desktop to find them.

6.3 Emmet HTML shortcuts

HTML is the language of the web. In many ways, HTML is a blessing: It allows creators across the world to make consistent, clear, usable content. Nevertheless, writing in HTML can feel like a chore. (How many times do I have to type <p></p>?) Emmet makes HTML easy–easier, in fact, than writing similar documents in Word–assuming those documents contain headings, links, images, lists, etc.

Emmet provides an extensive list of shortcuts for HTML, CSS, and more. You can find the full list via the Emmet cheatsheet, but here’s a table of some of the handiest Emmet shortcuts. (Press tab after entering each shortcut to execute.)

Content Shortcut Result
HTML doc ! <!DOCTYPE html> (document skeleton)
Link a <a href=""></a>
Image img <img src="" alt="" />
Bold str <strong></strong>
Italics em <em></em>
Ordered (numbered) list ol+ <ol> <li></li> </ol>
Unordered (bulleted) list ul+ <ul> <li></li> </ul>
You can always add HTML content by converting Markdown to HTML. Create your HTML file and then follow the steps below.
  1. Open your Markdown file in Atom.
  2. Open the Markdown Preview window and right-click.
  3. Select Copy as HTML.
  4. Paste your HTML into the appropriate place (probably somewhere in the body section) in your HTML document.

6.4 Adding Images

Images can be a bit tricky. You need to ensure that your images are the right size and shape, and you need to make sure to specify the correct path to the image in your HTML <img> tags. Of course, you also need to abide by fair use laws (see the Medium chapter of this guidebook for image resources.

  1. Find an image on your website that you want to replace. To find the image, you can look for the <img> tag in your index.html file. Alternatively, you can use Chrome’s Inspect tool: Open your index.html file in Chrome, then right-click on the image you want to replace on your GitHub site and click Inspect. Get the name of the file (e.g. pic-01.jpg).
  2. This step can be confusing. In GitHub Desktop, choose Repository > Open in Atom. In Atom, find the image file from the previous step (most likely in a folder called images) and get the dimensions of the image. Write these dimensions down or memorize them.
  3. In a photo editor like Pixlr Express, resize and/or crop the image you want to add so that the dimensions match those from the previous step.
  4. Save the image using whatever filename you wish. Save it in the images subfolder in your folder.
  5. In your index.html file, look for the img tag that contains the original image path (e.g., images/pic-01.jpg). Delete the old image path and replace it with the new image path (e.g., images/medium-1.jpg).
  6. Commit and sync your project in GitHub desktop and verify that the changes processed.